
Discord Bot by Shuga

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Check Apple's TSS Signing status, right inside of Discord.


Get information on any American National Park with ease.


Pull up information on a tweak by doing /cydia, or call it by referencing a tweak name [[in brackets]].


Check compatibility between two individuals, just for fun!


Check the current value of Bitcoin for various currencies!


Easy-To-Read AFK notifications!


Moderators can spam server users, perfect for a (vile) punishment.


Get random adorable cat pictures!


Summon dank memes from various subreddits!


Always updated with the newest features, guaranteed.


Running on Heroku with reliable uptime with daily restarts not affecting performance.


Easily implement embeds in your server, whether it's just a fancy message or an announcement.


Available to add to your Discord server, as well as an open-source version to play around with!